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1. Inelastic tunneling of electrons through a quantum dot with an embedded single molecular magnet
PHYSICS LETTERS A 374,2985-2993
2. Atom-pair tunnelling-induced quantum phase transition and scaling behaviour of fidelity susceptibility in the extended boson Josephson-junction model
3. Nonautonomous bright and dark solitons of Bose–Einstein condensates with Feshbach-managed time-dependent scattering length
Optics Communications 283,3361-3366(2010)
4. Tunable electron counting statistics in a single-molecule magnet
J Appl Phys2.072 108,033707
5. Atomic number fluctuations in a mixture of condensates
Phys.Rev.A2.866 82, 013625
6. Strong nonlinear coupling between an ultracold atomic ensemble and a nanomechanical oscillator
O PTICS EXPRESS3.278 Vol. 18, No. 22, 23016-23023
陈刚,张永平, 肖连团,梁九卿,贾锁堂
7. Medium effects on the surface tension of strangelets in the extended quasiparticle model
Phys.Rev.C3.477 82 (2010) 025809
温新建,李健勇 ,梁九卿,彭光雄
8. Emission of Neutral Pions with High Transverse Momenta in A-A and p-p Collisions at Energies Available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
CHIN.PHYS.LETT0.743 27(5):052501-1-052501-4
范三红,孟彩荣* ,刘福虎
9. Critical entanglement and geometric phase of a two-qubit model with Dzyaloshinski Moriya anisotropic interaction
Chin. Phys. B1.68 19 (1) 010305
李志坚,程璐 ,温姣进
10. An extended geometric criterion for chaos in the Dicke model
Journal of Physics A1.54 43 (2010) 125105
11. Optical modes in a nonlinear double-channel waveguide
Optics Communications1.552 283 (2010) 132-137
12. Interaction-induced Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in a Bose-Einstein condensate inside an optical cavity
OPTICS EXPRESS3.880 Vol. 17, No. 22, 19682-19690
13. Electronic transport through a periodic array of quantum-dot rings
Chin. Phys. B1.68 Vol. 19, No. 4 047303
薛海斌 ,张翰尹, 聂一行,李志坚,梁九卿
14. Field-phase modulation of spin-dependent resonant tunneling through a symmetric double-well with spin–orbit coupling
Physica E1.23 42, 1934–1939
薛海斌 , 聂一行,李志坚,梁九卿
15. Hard-core Bose-Fermi mixture in one-dimensional split traps
Phys. Rev. A2.908 81, 043607
16.Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Particles and Contributions of Leading Nucleons in Cu-Cu Collisions at High Energies
Chinese Physics Letters0.743 27 (3): 032503
17. Repulsive bound-atom pairs in an optical lattice with two-body interaction of nearest neighbors
Phys. Rev. A2.908 81, 045601
18. Transport model study of nuclear stopping in heavy-ion collisions over the energy range from
PRYS.REV.C3.124 81,034913
袁颖 ,Qingfeng ,zx li ,刘福虎
19. Disentanglement and
Physics Letters A2.174 374 (2010) 1975–1979