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  1. 1. Limin Wang, Li Wang, and Yunbo Zhang, Quantum walks of two interacting anyons in one-dimensional optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063618 (2014).
  2. 2. Guangye Yang, Yan Wang, Zhenyun Qin, Dumitru Mihalach, Boris A. Malomed, and Lu Li, Breatherlike solitons extracted from the Peregrine rogue wave, Phys. Rev. E 90, 062909 (2014).
  3. 3. Meng Ding, Xin-Jian Wen, Fu-Hu Liu, and Bao-Chun Li, Strange quark matter and strangelets in a strong magnetic field, Commun. Theor. Phys. 62, 859 (2014).
  4. 4. 张云波,王红梅,一维简谐势阱中多分量量子气体的密度泛函理论,山西大学学报(自然科学版)37(4), 519-525 (2014).
  5. 5. 陈君,崔新林,牵引光束发展概况,山西大学学报(自然科学版)37(4), 475 (2014).
  6. 6. 王保田,郑晶晶,张世杰,铀锆合金的电子结构和化学键的第一性原理研究, 山西大学学报(自然科学版)37(4), 533 (2014).
  7. 7. 李志坚,韩泽凯,连续时间量子行走在粘接图上是散射特性研究,山西大学学报37(4), 526 (2014).
  8. 8. 王海鹏,杨玉双,蒋兴家,杨建丽,聂一行,基于DCM模型与同步辐射CT的煤直接液化残渣物理结构表征,山西大学学报37(4), 545 (2014).
  9. 9. 梁熙静,田晋平,杨荣草,宋丽军,薛文瑞,肖燕,李录, 一种由椭圆形金属和介质纳米线组成的混合表面等离子体光波导的基模控制特性研究, 量子光学学报20(4), 11 (2015).
  10. 10. Yanna Li, and Weidong Li, Bifurcation of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a symmetrical double well, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 195301 (2014).
  11. 11. Jun Chen, Jack Ng, Kun Ding, Kin Hung Fung, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan, Negative Optical Torque, Sci. Rep. 4, 6386 (2014).
  12. 12. 温新建,杨丽,强磁场下真空极化效应对类氢原子库仑作用的影响,山西大学学报37(04), 514 (2014).
  13. 13. Fu-Hu Liu, Ya-Qin Gao, and Hua-Rong Wei, On Descriptions of Particle Transverse Momentum Spectra in, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 293873 (2014)
  14. 14. Jing-Jing Zheng, Bao-Tian Wang, Igor Di Marco, and Wei-Dong Li, Electronic structure and phase stability of plutonium hydrides: Role of Coulomb repulsion and spin-orbital coupling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, 13255 (2014).
  15. 15. Xiuqin Zhao, Ni Liu, and J. -Q. Liang, Nonlinear atom-photon-interaction induced population inversion and inverted quantum phase transition of Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023622 (2014).
  16. 16. Fu-Hu Liu, Ya-Qin Gao, and Bao-Chun Li, Comparing two-Boltzmann distribution and Tsallis statistics of particle transverse momentums in collisions at LHC energies, Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 123 (2014).
  17. 17. Hong Zhao, and Fu-Hu Liu, Chemical Potentials of Quarks Extracted from Particle Transverse Momentum Distributions in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC Energies, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 742793 (2014).
  18. 18. WeiDong Li, Tianchen He, and Augusto Smerzi, Multimode Kapitz-Dirac Interferometry with Trapped Cold Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 023003 (2014).
  19. 19. Fu-Hu Liu, Ya-Qin Gao, Tian Tian, and Bao-Chun Li, Transverse Momentum and Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Particles and Spatial Shapes of Interacting Events in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 725739 (2014).
  20. 20. Pengfei Li, Lu Li, and Boris A. Malomed, Multisoliton Newton's cradles and supersolitons in regular and parity-time-symmetric nonlinear couplers, Phys. Rev. E 89, 062926 (2014).
  21. 21. 杨艳青,张素英,一维倾斜光晶格势阱中两组份玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的矢量孤子解及其稳定性,山西大学学报37(2), 232 (2014).
  22. 22. 李欣,李军奇,梁九卿,Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya作用影响下的qubit-qutrit系统关联动力学, 量子光学学报 20(2), 90 (2014).
  23. 23. Fu-Hu Liu, Ya-Qin Gao, Tian Tian, and Bao-chun Li, Unified description of transverse momentum spectrums contributed by soft and hard processes in high-energy nuclear collisions, Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 94 (2014).
  24. 24. 梁淑琴,李志坚,粒子在非均匀环上的量子行走,山西大学学报37(2), 222 (2014).
  25. 25. Fu-Hu Liu, Ya-Qin Gao, and Tian Tian, On Two-Ridge Structure in Two-Particle Azimuthal Correlations in Proton-Lead Collisions at Large Hadron Collider Energy, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 296145 (2014).
  26. 26. 张燕,薛海斌,聂一行,双量子点系统单态三重态传输诱导的散粒噪声, 山西大学学报37(2), 210 (2014).
  27. 27. Jingjing Jin, Suying Zhang, and Wei Han, Zero-momentum coupling induced transitions of ground states in Rashba spin–orbit coupled Bose–Einstein condensates, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 115302 (2014).
  28. 28. Suying Zhang, and Xuelin Feng, A New Computational Method of the Matrix Exponential, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 86, 173 (2014).
  29. 29. 冯学霖,张素英,异核两组分玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中矢量孤子的动力学性质, 山西大同大学学报30(2), 33-38 (2014).
  30. 30. 李淑青,杨光晔,李录,Hirota方程的怪波解及其传输特性研究,物理学报 63(10), 104215 (2014).
  31. 31. Ya-Qin Gao, Tian Tian, Li-Na Gao, and Fu-Hu Liu, Pseudorapidity Distribution of Charged Particles and Square Speed of Sound Parameter in pp or pp Collisions over an Energy Range from 0.053 to 7 TeV, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 569079 (2014).
  32. 32. Xinjian Liu, and Weidong Li, Three-mode approximation of symmetrical triple-square wells, American Journal of Modern Physics 3, 113 (2014).
  33. 33. Hua-Rong Wei, Ya-Hui Chen, Li-Na Gao, and Fu-Hu Liu, Comparing Multicomponent Erlang Distribution and Levy Distribution of Particle Transverse Momentums, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 782631 (2014).
  34. 34. Bao-Chun Li, Ya-Zhou Wang, Fu-Hu Liu, Xin-Jian Wen, and You-Er Dong, Particle production in relativistic pp and AA collisions at RHIC and LHC energies with Tsallis statistics using the two-cylindrical multisource thermal model, Phys. Rev. D 89, 054014 (2014).
  35. 35. Ya-Qin Gao, Tian Tian, S. Fakhr, Magda A. , and Fu-Hu Liu, Double-Differential Production Cross Sections of Charged Pions in Charged Pion Induced Nuclear Reactions at High Momentums, Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 892582 (2014).
  36. 36. Fu-Hu Liu, Tian Tian, Hong Zhao, and Bao-Chun Li, Extracting chemical potentials of quarks from ratios of negatively/positively charged particles in high-energy collisions, Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 62 (2014).
  37. 37. Fu-Hu Liu, Tian Tian, Jian-Xin Sun, and Bao-Chun Li , What Can We Learn from (Pseudo)Rapidity Distribution in High Energy Collisions? Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 863863 (2014).
  38. 38. Rui Xue, Wei-Dong Li, and Zhao-Xin Liang, Collective Excitation and Quantum Depletion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Periodic Array of Quantum Wells, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 030302 (2014).
  39. 39. Fu-Hu Liu, Tian Tian, Xin-Jian Wen, Transverse mass and rapidity distributions and space dispersion plots of (net-)protons in Pb-Pb collisions at SPS energies, Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 50 (2014).
  40. 40. XiaoLei Hao, Jing Chen, WeiDong Li, BingBing Wang, XiaoDong Wang, and Wilhelm Becker, Quantum Effects in Double Ionization of Argon below the Threshold Intensity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 073002 (2014).
  41. 41. 李清,杨光晔,李录,高阶非线性效应对极大压缩脉冲动力学的影响,量子光学学报 20(1), 75-80 (2014).
  42. 42. Jian-Hua Wang, Wei-Ping Xu, Yu-Ying Zhang, and Yi-Hang Nie, Enhancement of thermoelectric effects in a single molecularmagnet due to resonance tunneling, American Journal Modern Physics 3, 37 (2014).
  43. 43. Yuanwei Zhang, Lixian Yu, J. -Q Liang, Gang Chen, Suotang Jia, and Franco Nori, Quantum phases in circuit QED with a superconducting qubit array, Sci. Rep. 4, 4083 (2014).
  44. 44.Wenxue Zhang, Bao-Tian Wang, Xinlin Cui, Li Li, and Wei-Dong Li, Electronic Structure, Mechanics, and Thermodynamics of ZrB12 Under Pressure, Sci. Adv. Mater. 6, 2281 (2014).
$curChannel.parent.name Achievement