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Email: zheng_shu@sxu.edu.cn

男,汉族,研究生学历,理学博士学位。2020年6月在中国工程物理研究院,理论物理专业攻读博士学位。2020年7月-2022年8月在北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,从事博士后工作,主要研究方向为强激光场下多电子体系的高次谐波产生过程。2022年10月至今在山西大学理论物理研究所工作。现已在Phys.  Rev. Lett.、Ultrafast Science、Phys. Rev. A、Opt. Express、J. Phys.  B等国际物理与光学期刊发表论文多篇。先后参与多项国家自然科学基金项目。


1、 Z. Shu,  H. Liang, Y. Wang, S. Hu, S. Chen, H. Xu, R. Ma, D. Ding and J. Chen,  “Channel coupling dynamics of deep-lying orbitals in molecular  high-harmonic generation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 128, 183202, 2022.
2、 Y. Huang, J. Zhao, Z. Shu,  Y. Zhu, J. Liu, W. Dong, X. Wang, Z. Lu, D. Zhang, J. Yuan, J. Chen and  Z. Zhao, “Ultrafast hole deformation revealed by molecular attosecond  interferometry”, Ultrafast Science vol. 2021, 9837107, 2021. Science 子刊 (共同一作)
3、 Z. Shu, M. Q. Liu, S. L. Hu and J. Chen, “Molecular Rydberg-state excitation in laser pulses: bandwidth and orbital symmetry”, Opt. Express vol. 28, 11165, 2020.
4、 Z. Shu, X. Hao, W. D. Li and J. Chen, “General way to define tunneling time”, Chin. Phys. B vol.28, 050301, 2019.
5、 J. Li, Z. Shu, S. Hu, C. Bi, A. Huang, Z. Xiao, X.-J, Liu and J. Chen, “High-order harmonic generation from stretched C2H2 molecules in intense fields”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 105, 023105, 2022.
6、 M. Q. Liu, Z. Shu, S. L. Hu and J. Chen, "Two-center interference effect on molecular ionization and Rydberg-state excitation", J. Phys. B vol. 54, 095601, 2021.
7、 S. L. Hu, Z. Shu, L. Guo and C. H. Lee and J. Chen, “Multiorbital impact on strong-field ionization of HCl molecules”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 104, 043110, 2021.
8、 J. Li, Z. Shu,  S. L. Hu, C. Bi, A, Huang, Z. Xiao, J. Chen and X. Liu, "Dynamic  interference minimum affected by permanent dipole in high-harmonic  generation from CO molecules", J. Phys. B vol. 53, 195601, 2020.
9、 L. Guo, S. Chen, M. Q. Liu, Z. Shu,  S. L. Hu, R. H. Lu, S. S. Han and J. Chen, “Rescattering time-energy  analysis of high-order above-threshold ionization in few-cycle laser  fields”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 101, 033415, 2020.
10、 S. Xu, M. Liu, S. Hu, Z. Shu,  W. Quan, Z. Xiao, Y. Zhou, M. Wei, M, Zhao, R. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Hua, C.  Gong, X. Lai, J. Chen and X. Liu, “Observation of a transition in the  dynamics of strong-field atomic excitation”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 102, 043104, 2020.
11、 X. Hao, Y. Bai, X. Zhao, C. Li, J. Zhang, J. Wang, W. Li, C. Wang, W. Quan, X, Liu, Z. Shu, M. Liu and J. Chen, “Observation of a transition in the dynamics of strong-field atomic excitation”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 101, 051401(R), 2020.
12、 S. L. Hu , M. Q. Liu, Z. Shu, and J. Chen, “Impact of orbital symmetry on molecular ionization in an intense laser field”, Phys. Rev. A vol. 100, 053414, 2019.
13、 S. L. Hu , Z. Shu, M. Q. Liu, L. Guo, X. L. Hao, J. Chen and C. H. Lee, “Role of excited states in molecular alignment-dependent ionizatioin, Opt. Express vol.26, 32225, 2018.
14、 B. B. Li, S. L. Hu, Z. Shu,  X. T. He and J. Chen, "Resonance-like enhancement in high-order above  threshold ionization of atoms and molecules in intense laser fields", Opt. Express vol. 26, 13012, 2018.
15、 X. L. Hao, Z. Shu,  W. D. Li, S. L. Hu and J. Chen, "Quantitative identification of  different strong-field ionization channels in the transition regime", Opt. Express vol. 24, 25250, 2016.

1、科技部重点研发计划 原子分子瞬态量子过程的精密测量(项目号:SQ2019YFA030025)2019.07-2024.06
2、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 超快强激光场下原子分子电离过程中的量子效应 (项目号:11504215)2016.01-2018.12
3、国家自然科学基金面上项目 玻色爱因斯坦凝聚中的量子纠缠态的产生与量子控制(项目号:11374197) 2014.01-2017.12

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