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教授 博士生导师

李 禄,男,教授。1960年9月出生。1982年毕业于山西大学数学系,毕业后留校任教。1984年7月-1986年1月就读中山大学助教进修班,1994年4月-1995年4月在日本立教大学留学,专攻孤立子理论。2004年获得山西大学理论物理博士学位,学位论文获山西省优秀博士论文。分别于2002年9月-2003年2月和2004年10月-2005年3月在中国科学院物理所做高级访问学者,从事BEC中的动力学特性的研究。多年来一直从事孤子理论、光孤子传输理论和非线性动力学方面的研究,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. E, JOSAB, J. Phys, Opt. Commun.等国内外重要杂志上发表学术论文百余篇。获省科技进步一等奖一项,二等奖一次,三等奖三项。


1. New types of solitary wave solutions for the higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Zhonghao Li, Lu Li, Huiping Tian and Guosheng Zhou, Physical Review Letters 84, 4096-4099 (2000).
2. Gray optical dips in the subpicosecond regime, Lu Li, Zhonghao Li, Zhiyong Xu, Guosheng Zhou and Karl H. Spatschek, Physical Review E66, 046616 (2002).
3. Chirped femtosecond solitonlike laser pulse form with self-frequency shift, Zhonghao Li, Lu Li, Huiping Tian, Guosheng Zhou and Karl H. Spatschek, Physical Review Letters 89, 263901 (2002) .
4. Exact soliton solutions for the core of dispersion-managed solitons, Zhiyong Xu, Lu Li, Zhonghao Li, Guosheng Zhou and K. Nakkeeran, Physical Review E68, 046605 (2003).
5. Modulation instability and soliton on cw background in inhomogeneous optical fiber media, Lu Li, Zhongzhao Li, Shuqing Li and Guosheng Zhuo, Optics Communications, 234, 169-176 (2004).
6. A New Approach to Exact Soliton Solutions and Soliton Interaction for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Variable Coefficients, Ruiyu Hao, Lu Li, Zhonghao Li and Guosheng Zhou, Optics Communications, 236, 79-86 (2004).
7. Exact soliton solutions and nonlinear modulation instability in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, Lu Li, Zaidong Li, Boris A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, and W. M. Liu, Physical Review A72, 033611 (2005).
8. Generation, compression and propagation of pulse trains in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with distributed coefficients, Luyun Wang, Lu Li, Zhonghao Li, Guosheng Zhou and D. Mihalache, Physical ReviewE72, 036614 (2005).
9. Exact soliton-on-plane-wave solutions for two-component Bose-Einstein condensates, Lu Li,Boris A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, and W. M. Liu, Physical ReviewE73, 066610 (2006).
10. Pulsating behavior of an optical beam induced by initial phase-front curvature in strongly nonlocal media, Huafeng Zhang, Lu Li, and Suotang Jia, Physical Review A76, 043833 (2007).
11. Dark solitons on an intense parabolic background in nonlinear waveguides, Lu Li, Xuesong Zhao, and Zhiyong Xu, Physical Review A78, 063833 (2008).
12. Nonlinear tunneling of optical similaritons in nonlinear waveguides, Juanfen Wang, Lu Li, and Suotang Jia, Journal of the Optical Society of AmericaB25, 1254 (2008).
13. Dark soliton stripes on a paraboloidal background in a bulk nonlinear medium, Xuesong Zhao, Lu Li, and Zhiyong Xu, Physical Review A79, 043827 (2009).
14. Symmetry breaking and manipulation of nonlinear optical modes in an asymmetric double-channel waveguide,Rujiang Li,Fei Lv,Lu Li,and Zhiyong Xu, Physical Review A84, 033850 (2011).
15. The Peregrine rogue waves induced by interaction between the continuous wave and soliton, Guangye Yang, Lu Li, and Suotang Jia, Physical Review E85, 046608 (2012) .
16. Multisoliton Newton's cradles and supersolitons in regular and PT-symmetric nonlinear couplers, Pengfei Li, Lu Li, and Boris. A. Malomed, Physical Review E89, 062926 (2014) .
17. Breather-like solitons extracted from the Peregrine rogue wave, Guangye Yang, Yan Wang, Zhenyun Qin, Boris A. Malomed, Dumitru Mihalache, and Lu Li, Physical Review E90, 062909 (2014).
18. Dynamics of Gaussian beam modeled by fractional Schrödinger equation with a variable coefficient, Feng Zang, Yan Wang, and Lu Li, Opt. Exp. 26, 23740 (2018) .
19. Self-induced periodic interfering behavior of dual Airy beam in strongly nonlocal medium, Feng Zang, Yan Wang, and Lu Li, Opt. Exp. 27, 15079 (2019) .
20. Three-Dimensional Skyrmions with Arbitrary Topological Number in a Ferromagnetic Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate, Huan-Bo Luo, Lu Li, and Wu-Ming Liu, Scientific reports 9, 18804 (2019).
21. Exotic vortex structures of the dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in harmonic-like and toroidal potential, Rui-Fang Zhang, Xiao-Fei Zhang, and Lu Li, Phys. Lett. A383, 231-236 (2019).
22. Ground states of spin-orbit-coupled Bose Einstein condensates in the presence of external magnetic field, Rui-Fang Zhang, Yong-Ping Zhang, and Lu Li, Phys. Lett. A383, 3175 (2019) .
23. Stability band structure for periodic states in periodic potentials, Bin Liu, Lu Li, and Boris A. Malomed, Applied Numerical Mathematics 141, 44-53 (2019).

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