教授 博士生导师
郝小雷,男,1985年2月生于山西省翼城县。理学博士,山西大学理论物理研究所教授。2006年本科毕业于燕山大学材料物理专业,2012年6月于山西大学获得博士学位,2012年7月至2014年6月在北京应用物理与计算数学研究所从事博士后研究,2014年7月进入山西大学工作。一直从事超快强激光驱动原子分子动力学方面的理论工作并与实验紧密合作,在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A、Opt. Express等国际国内物理与光学期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,为Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A等期刊审稿人,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、理论物理专项各一项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目一项。
1. Two-center interference effect in ionization of diatomic molecules subject to close-to-circularly-polarized femtosecond laser fields, Mingzheng Wei, Wei Quan*, Renping Sun, Songpo Xu, Zhilei Xiao, Yu Zhou, Meng Zhao, Xiaolei Hao*, Chuanxi Duan, and Xiaojun Liu, Physical Review A 98, 063418 (2018).
2. Timing Recollision in Nonsequential Double Ionization by Intense Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses, Huipeng Kang*, Kevin Henrichs, Maksim Kunitski, Yanlan Wang, Xiaolei Hao, K. Fehre, A. Czasch, S. Eckart, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, Markus Sch?ffler, Till Jahnke, Xiaojun Liu, and Reinhard D?rner, Physical Review Letters 120, 223204 (2018).
3. Quantum interference in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization, Wei Quan, XiaoLei Hao*, YanLan Wang, YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, ZhiLei Xiao, RenPing Sun, XuanYang Lai, ShiLin Hu, MingQing Liu, Zheng Shu, XiaoDong Wang, WeiDong Li, Wilhelm Becker, XiaoJun Liu*, and Jing Chen*, Physical Review A 96, 032511 (2017)
4. Laser-induced inelastic diffraction from strong-field double ionization, Wei Quan, Xiaolei Hao, Xiaoqing Hu, Renping Sun, Yanlan Wang, Yongju Chen, Shaogang Yu, Songpo Xu, Zhilei Xiao, Xuanyang Lai, Xingyu Li, Wilhelm Becker, Yong Wu*, Jianguo Wang, Xiaojun Liu*, and Jing Chen*, Physical Review Letters 119, 243203 (2017).
5. C. Wang, M. Okunishi, X. Hao*, Y. Ito, J. Chen*, Y. Yang, R. R. Lucchese, M. Zhang, B. Yan, W. D. Li, D. Ding*, and K. Ueda*, Physical Review A 93, 043422 (2016)
6. Quantum effects in double ionization of Ar below the threshold intensity,XiaoLei Hao, Jing Chen*, WeiDong Li, Bingbing Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Wilhelm Becker,Physical Review Letters 112, 073002 (2014)
7. Alignment-Dependent Fluorescence Emission Induced by Tunnel Ionization of Carbon Dioxide from Lower-Lying Orbitals,Jinping Yao, Guihua Li, Xinyan Jia, Xiaolei Hao, Bin Zeng, Chenrui Jing, Wei Chu, Jielei Ni, Haisu Zhang, Hongqiang Xie, Chaojin Zhang, Zengxiu Zhao, Jing Chen*, Xiaojun Liu*, Ya Cheng* and Zhizhan Xu*,Physical Review Letters 111, 133001 (2013)
8. Characteristic spectrum of very low-energy photoelectron from above-threshold ionization in tunneling regime,C. Y. Wu*, Y. D. Yang, Y. Q. Liu, Q. H. Gong*, M. Y. Wu, X. Liu, X. L. Hao, W. D. Li, X. T. He and J. Chen*,Physical Review Letters 109, 043001 (2012)
9. Effect of the electron initial longitudinal velocity on the nonsequential double-ionization process,XiaoLei Hao, WeiDong Li*, Jie Liu and J. Chen*,Physical Review A 83, 053422 (2011)
10. Nonsequential double ionization of Ne in an elliptically polarized intense laser field,XiaoLei Hao, GuanQi Wang, XinYan Jia, WeiDong Li*, Jie Liu and J. Chen*,Physical Review A 80, 023409 (2009).