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副教授 硕士生导师






20088—20129 浙江大学物理学院,物理学理学学士;

20138—201810 美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 (University at Albanry),物理学博士,导师:Oleg Lunin;

201810—202010 北京大学,高能物理研究中心(CHEP),博士后;

202010—202310 中国科学院大学,卡弗里理论科学研究中心(KITS),博士后,特聘助理;

202310至今 山西大学理论物理研究所 副教授;


1.     黑洞、虫洞物理,包括黑洞的热力学,黑洞的守恒量,黑洞信息问题,黑洞的全息描述,虫洞对引力路径积分的影响等。

2.      AdS/CFT全息对偶,量子场论的纠缠性质等。

3.     场论,弦论里面的可积结构。



参加项目:国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,12175238,规范/引力对偶中的模哈密顿算符与内部重构 (2022-01-01 2025-12-31)


1. J.~Tian, T.~Lai and F.~Omidi,``Modular transformations of on-shell actions of (root-)TT‾ deformed holographic CFTs,''Nucl. Phys. B 1007, 116675 (2024)

1. J.~Tian and T.~Lai,``Aspects of three-dimensional C-metric,''JHEP 03 (2024), 079

2. J.~Tian,``Islands in Generalized Dilaton Theories,''Symmetry 15, no.7, 1402 (2023)

3. C.~Peng, J.~Tian and Y.~Yang,``Half-wormholes and ensemble averages,''Eur. Phys. J. C 83, no.11, 993 (2023)

4. J.~Tian and Y.~Yang,``More on half-wormholes and ensemble averages,''Commun. Theor. Phys. 75, no.9, 095001 (2023)

5. J.~Tian and X.~Xu,``Negative R\'enyi entropy and brane intersection,''JHEP 04, 142 (2023)

6. Y.~J.~He, J.~Tian and B.~Chen,``Deformed integrable models from holomorphic Chern-Simons theory,''Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 65, no.10, 100413 (2022)

7. B.~Chen, J.~Hou and J.~Tian,``Lax connections in -deformed integrable field theories,''Chin. Phys. C  45, no.9, 093112 (2021)

8. O.~Lunin and J.~Tian,``Separation of variables in the WZW models,''JHEP 06, 114 (2021)

9. B.~Chen, J.~Hou and J.~Tian,``Note on the nonrelativistic TT\textasciimacron{} deformation,''Phys. Rev. D  104, no.2, 025004 (2021)

10.  J.~Tian, Y.~J.~He and B.~Chen,``lambda-Deformed AdS5 * S5 superstring from 4D Chern-Simons theory,''Nucl. Phys. B  972, 115545 (2021)

11. J.~b.~Wu, J.~Tian and B.~Chen,``Loop operators in three-dimensional N = 2 fishnet theories,''JHEP  07, 215 (2020)

12.  J.~Tian, J.~Hou and B.~Chen,``Notes on index of quantum integrability,''Commun. Theor. Phys. 73, no.5, 055001 (2021)

13. J.~Tian, J.~Hou and B.~Chen,``Asymmetric lambda-deformed cosets,''Nucl. Phys. B 952, 114944 (2020)

14. J.~Tian, J.~Hou and B.~Chen,``Holographic Correlators on Integrable Superstrata,''Nucl. Phys. B 948, 114766 (2019)

15. O.~Lunin and W.~Tian,``Scalar fields on lambda-deformed cosets,''Nucl. Phys. B 938, 671-713 (2019)

16. O.~Lunin and W.~Tian,``Analytical structure of the generalized lambda-deformation,''Nucl. Phys. B 929, 330-352 (2018)

17.  W.~Tian,``Multicenter superstrata,''Phys. Rev. D 94, no.6, 066011 (2016)

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